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Contributions in English
containing original and unpublished work are encouraged
to be submitted. The full paper should be according to
the guidelines available in the full paper
template. The submission should be through the
Easychair plataform. Authors will have
also the chance to submit a short paper
(work in progress; no template is needed). However, only
full papers will be published in the conference
proceedings. |
All the presented full papers will be published in the ICQEM18
Proceedings Book – at least one author should be registered in the conference. The scientific
committee will select high quality papers and invite the authors to contribute for a special issue that will be
published by the
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (SCImago indexed).
The ICQEM18 Proceedings Book will be submitted to Thomson Reuters (ISI) Proceedings and/or Scopus for indexing.

Conference Awards
Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award
Conference language
Official language of the conference is English.
Important dates
Extended full papers and short papers submission deadline:
February 18,
Reviewers feedback to the authors: April 6,
Full papers – revised version, submission deadline: April
30, 2018
Early registration deadline: May 31, 2018
ICQEM18: July 11-13, 2018
Call for Papers
The Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Quality Engineering
and Management cordially invite you to submit a paper. All the papers, both theoretic and practical applications, are welcome.
Relevant topics include, but not limited to:
- Business Excellence Models
- Customer Satisfaction
- Management Systems
- Operational Excellence
- Organizational Improvement
- Quality Engineering
- Quality Management and Innovation
- Quality Management in different activity sectors (healthcare, higher education, services, …)
- Quality Tools
- Reliability & Maintenance
- Six Sigma / Lean-Six Sigma
- Standards
- Supply Chain Quality Management
- Taguchi Methods / Design of Experiments
- The Future of Quality and Organizational Excellence
- Total Quality Management |