University of Minho
Founded in 1973, the University of
Minho received its first students in the academic year of
1975/76. Today the University is renowned for the competence and
quality of its teachers and for the level of excellence in
research as well as the wide range of undergraduate and graduate
courses offered and the remarkable degree of interaction with
other institutions. For these reasons, UMinho is a central actor
in the region, an important reference for the country and a
recognised partner at a European and global level. Located in
the north of Portugal, the University has a campus in the city
of Braga and another in the city of Guimarães.
The Times Higher Education 100
under 50 University Ranking 2013 ranked UMinho on the 76th
position worldwide. UMinho considers itself to be a research
university, engaged in the valorization of the chain of
knowledge - Research, Development and Innovation - as is
evidenced by a series of indicators.
Internationalization is a strong commitment and international
activities are quite intense, not only within the EU and
Portuguese Official Language African Countries (PALOP), but also
with several other countries on different continents. The
2010/2011 academic year is marked by the beginning of a broader
educational provision based on distance and post-working hour
learning programs. This offer will have a great social impact
and it will open the University to a new public, in the context
of demand and quality which has always been the hallmark of this
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The Minho Region and the City of
Located in the north of Portugal,
the Minho region borders on Galicia (Spain), in the north, and
the Atlantic Ocean, in the west. With a population of over 1.1
million inhabitants, the region is often associated with the
green of its natural scenery, where water is in abundance. Minho
is also typically characterized by a mountainous terrain of
great beauty and biodiversity, which gradually becomes smoother
as one reaches the river valleys and the countless beaches along
the coastline. At present, the geographic area of the Minho
region amounts to 4,700 km². The unique traditional landscape,
marked by small fields, vineyards and corn fields, villages with
granite structures and manor houses bring another dimension to
the description of the region, together with the typical Minho
hospitality, rich culinary tradition and vibrant customs,
celebrations and popular festivals.
Guimarães is a Portuguese city
located in the District of Braga, in the North region and the
sub region of Ave (one of the most industrialized sub regions in
the country). Its population of 52,182 inhabitants takes up an
urban area of 23.5 km², with 20 parishes and a population
density of 2.223.9 inhabitants/km². It is the seat of a
municipality with an area of 242.85 km² and 162,572 inhabitants
(2006). It is divided into 69 parishes with the majority of the
population living in the city and on its outskirts. Guimarães
borders on the municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso in the north,
Fafe in the east, Felgueiras, Vizela and Santo Tirso in the
south, Vila Nova de Famalicão in the west and Braga in the
The historic city of Guimarães is
associated with the emergence of the Portuguese national
identity (12th century). Holding the title of World Heritage
from UNESCO, it consists of an exceptionally well-preserved and
authentic example of the evolution of a medieval settlement into
a modern city, its rich building typology exemplifies the
specific development of Portuguese architecture from the 15th to
19th century through the consistent use of traditional building
materials and techniques. With a strong Cultural activity,
Guimarães was the European Capital of Culture in 2012.
Places to visit in Guimarães:
- Castelo de Guimarães - Sito na Colina Sagrada
- Paços dos Duques de Bragança – Colina Sagrada
- Capela de S.Miguel – Colina Sagrada
- Muralha da Cidade – Avenida Alberto Sampaio
- Antigos Paços do Concelho – Largo da Oliveira
- Padrão do Salado – Largo da Oliveira
- Igreja da Oliveira – Largo da Oliveira
- Santuário da Penha – Penha Guimarães
- Museu Alberto Sampaio – Rua Alfredo Guimarães
- Museu Martins Sarmento – Rua Paio Galvão
- Centro Cultural Vila Flor – Av. D. Afonso Henriques
- Largo da Oliveira
- Largo do Toural
- Praça de Santiago
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